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Category Archives for: Postcrossing


postcrossing #83


A postcard from Finland! It features aurora, the green light on the sky. Such light is caused when charged particles from sun collide with atoms and molecules in the Earth’s atmosphere at the altitude of 90-250 km. And they collide with oxygen and nitrogen and therefore emit special light.

Here comes the stamps. The first stamp was released in 2008, from the series Water & Archipelago. The second stamp was released in 2011, featuring Birch which is the national tree of Finland. The third stamp as released in 2007 due to the 50th Anniversary of Finnish TV-Broadcasting.

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postcrossing #82


A postcard from the United States of America! It features the most famous landmark in San Francisco, the Golden Gate Bridge. The bridge is about 2.7 km long. The bridge started construction in 1933. And the bridge was opened since 1937.

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postcrossing #81


Here is a postcard from Czech Republic! The postcard shows a scene from the capital of the country Prague. It shows the Vltava River, which is the longest river in the country. The Charles Bridge, a famous bridge that crosses the river and was built in the beginning of the 15th century. And also the Prague Castle is visible on the postcard. It is the official residence and office of the President of the Czech Republic.

Here comes the stamps. The first stamp was released in 1999 due to the 50th Anniversary of the Council of Europe. The last stamp was released in 2012. It promotes the tourism – Kuks Chateau.

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postcrossing #80


Here is a postcard from Brazil! The postcard shows the National Congress Building fro Brazil. The semi-sphere on the left is the seat of the Senate, and the semi-sphere on the right is the seat of the Chamber of the Deputies. Between them are two vertical office towers. The stamp was released in 2010 Mercosur – Culture of Peace Decade – Tribute to Zilda Arns Neumann. Zilda Arns Neumann was a Brazilian pediatrician and aid worker. She was dead in 2010 due to the 2010 Haiti earthquake.

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postcrossing #79


A postcard from Taiwan! It features Taipei 101, is a landmark skyscraper located in Xinyi District, Taipei, Taiwan. The building ranked officially as the world’s tallest from 2004 until the opening of the Burj Khalifa in Dubai in 2010. It started construction in 1999. The building is 508 meters high, with 101 floors.

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postcrossing #78


A postcard from Japan! But unluckily that the information of the bird on the postcard is hidden. So here comes the stamps first. The right stamp was released from 1970, due to the holding of Expo 70. Expo 70 was a World Fair held in Osaka. The theme of the Expo was “Progress and Harmony for Mankind.” The stamp features Kanto Festival (Lantarn Festival). The second stamp was released in 1978, showing paintings by Shunsho Katsukawa – Sumo Wrestling. It shows Jinmaku versus Raiden (I guess is the names of the competitors on the stamp). The third stamp shows Baron Maeshima. He founded the Japanese postage service and is known as “Father of the Postal System”.

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Postcrossing #77


This postcard is from Ukraine. And the postcard shows the St. George Cathedral and Church of St. Elizabeth. Both of the buildings are situated at a western city called Lviv in Ukraine. The name means the city of lion.

Here comes the stamps. The right one was released in 2014, due to the 20th anniversary of Ukrposhta foundation. The stamp features the main postal monument of the country, The Postal Central Point of Ukraine, which is also known as the Distance Mark situated on Kyiv’s Independence Square. Ukrposhta actually means the national postal operator of Ukraine.

The left one was released in 2013, due to the 900th Anniversary of the Tale of Bygone Years. Tale of Bygone Years seems is a book in Ukraine, which is considered to be a fundamental source in the interpretation of the history of the Eastern Slavs(The former group of combination of people from Russia, Ukraine and Belarus).

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postcrossing #76


A postcard from Russia! The postcard shows ice cube curling center. The center was opened in 2012, and it is the main venue for holding all the competition of curling during the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympic Games. The venue has 3000 seats. And it is a portable building so that could be relocated to other area.

The stamp is also related to the winter Olympic Games. I guess the stamp shows Fisht Olympic Stadium. This 40,000-person-capacity open-air stadium is the venue for the opening and the closing ceremony of the Olympic Games.

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postcrossing #75


Here comes a really great and beautiful card from China! This card with irregular shape is showing a beautiful map of Tsinghua University, a very famous university situated at Beijing, China.

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