
The Terminal - John's Park

得失只一念 風景不轉心境轉 | 煩惱來自偏執一切也依戀 | 風吹草動 命途亂了我不亂 | 交出了平常心再隨緣

Tag Archives for: Japan


postcrossing #89


A postcard from Japan! The postcard shows Mount Fuji, the largest mountain in Japan at around 3700 meters. It is an active stratovolcano and the last eruption was in 1707-08. Mount Fuji’s exceptionally symmetrical cone, which is snow-capped several months a year, is a well-known symbol of Japan.
The mountain was added to the World Heritage List as a cultural site in June, 2013. It was in cultural rather than nature because the mountain has inspired many artists and poets, and been the object of pilgrimage for centuries.

Here comes the stamps. The first stamp was released in 1968. The stamps shows Rishiri-Rebun-Sarobetsu National Park. (利尻禮文佐呂別國立公園). It is a natinoal park in Hokkaido. And it became a national park in 1965. It is the 27th national park in Japan.

The second stamp was released in 1970, due to the holding of Expo 70. Expo 70 was a World Fair held in Osaka. The theme of the Expo was “Progress and Harmony for Mankind.”

The third stamp was released in 1972, due to the 100th annuversary of Japanese Railway. The stamp shows Class C-62 Steam Locomotive No. 2. It was the largest and fastest steam passenger locomotives to run in Japan.

The fourth stamp was released in 1972, due to The 100th Anniversary of Japanese Railways and Opening of Sanyo Shinkansen Line. Sanyo Shinkansen Line(山陽新幹線) connects Osaka and Fukuoka, the two largest cities in western Japan. It is operated by the JR West.

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postcrossing #78


A postcard from Japan! But unluckily that the information of the bird on the postcard is hidden. So here comes the stamps first. The right stamp was released from 1970, due to the holding of Expo 70. Expo 70 was a World Fair held in Osaka. The theme of the Expo was “Progress and Harmony for Mankind.” The stamp features Kanto Festival (Lantarn Festival). The second stamp was released in 1978, showing paintings by Shunsho Katsukawa – Sumo Wrestling. It shows Jinmaku versus Raiden (I guess is the names of the competitors on the stamp). The third stamp shows Baron Maeshima. He founded the Japanese postage service and is known as “Father of the Postal System”.

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postcrossing #70


A postcard from Japan. The small train on the postcard is from Chōshi Electric Railway Line(銚子電気鉄道線). The model is called 銚子電気鉄道デキ3形電気機関車.
Here comes the stamp. The stamp was released in 1982, due to the opening of Joetsu-Shinkansen Railway Line (上越新幹線). The high speed train connects Tokyo and Niigata (新潟), which lies at the northwest side of Japan.

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Postcard from friends #6


A postcard from Tokyo, Japan. It shows the Shinobazu Pond (不忍池) in Ueno Park. According to the postcard, the pond was made during Muromachi era. It is now an oasis for bird watching. In the middle of the pond is the Benten Shrine where the goddess Benzaiten, a god culture transferred from India to Japan, is enshrined.

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Postcard from friends #5


A postcard from Nagoya(名古屋), Japan. The tower at the center of this postcard is the Nagoya TV Tower. It is the oldest TV tower in Japan. It was built in 1954. The tower is 180 metres high, and has two main observation decks at the heights of 90 metres and 100 metres. The tower also includes a restaurant and gallery at 30 metres. Nagoya TV Tower closely resembles the Eiffel Tower.

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postcrossing #20


A postcard from Japan! It takes 4 days to travel to Hong Kong. The postcard shows a scene from a reservoir (I guess is Kanoko Dam) in Hokkaido in Japan. And the reservoir is surrounded by many natural forests.

And the right stamp is a Japanese distinctive stamp, featuring an eastern honey bee with a pink flower. And the stamp on the left is Clematis 鐵線蓮. And it is from the 2013 seasonal (summer) flower series.

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