
The Terminal - John's Park

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Tag Archives for: Finland


postcrossing #91


A postcard from Finland! The stamp was released in 2014, from a series called “Old Castles”. The stamp features Kastelholm Castle. It was first mentioned in the contract of Queen Margaret in 1388. And the golden era of the castle was in the 15th and 16th centuries.

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postcrossing #83


A postcard from Finland! It features aurora, the green light on the sky. Such light is caused when charged particles from sun collide with atoms and molecules in the Earth’s atmosphere at the altitude of 90-250 km. And they collide with oxygen and nitrogen and therefore emit special light.

Here comes the stamps. The first stamp was released in 2008, from the series Water & Archipelago. The second stamp was released in 2011, featuring Birch which is the national tree of Finland. The third stamp as released in 2007 due to the 50th Anniversary of Finnish TV-Broadcasting.

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postcrossing #34


Here comes another postcard from Finland, featuring another famous and symbolic cartoon character from Finland – Moomin (姆明). The stamp was released in 2013. And it is showing Snufkin, a character in the Moomin series. He is the best friend of Moomintroll. Thank you very much! The stamp is from the same series as received before. Thank you very much!

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postcrossing #33


Here comes a postcard from Finland! The postcard, the stamp, and also the priority label are all featuring a very popular and successful game from Finland, Angry Birds. The Angry Birds stamp was released in September, and it is the first official Angry Birds stamp in the world. Thank you!

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postcrossing #5


A postcard from southern part of Finland. Really in surprise, as it took only 5 days to deliver to Hong Kong!!! It would be better if it is a card, haha.

The word “koivumetsä” means birch forest (白樺林), and Silver Birch is actually the national tree of Finland. I guess that’s why she chose this beautiful painting to me. The stamp is featuring a famous and symbolic cartoon character from Finland – Muumin (姆明). The stamp was released in May 2013. “Suomi” on the stamp is a Finnish word meaning Finland. Thanks Elina for bringing this wonderful painting from Finland!
(And cool that there is no stamp chop found around the stamp, maybe that’s an accident?)

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