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Tag Archives for: Germany


postcrossing #72


A postcard from Germany! It shows some street view from a historical city called Tübingen in Germany. Many universities situates there and therefore residents at that city are very young, even the youngest city in Germany.

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postcrossing #66


A postcard from Germany! This postcard shows Schloss Charlottenburg. It is the largest palace in Berlin. It was originally built in 17th century and was expanded in the 18th century. It was reconstructed after the second world war due to great damage.

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postcrossing #56


A postcard from Germany! The postcard shows the main railway station in Hannover, an important industrial and international trade fair city in Germany. Different important exhibitions, like the largest IT and telecommunication exhibition CeBIT would be held in this city every year. Even in 2000, the World Expo was held in this city.

The stamp features a Christmas tree. Merry Christmas to everyone =]

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postcrossing #49


A postcard from Germany! This card actually shows an important historic event in the world. It is one of the paintings found on the Berlin Wall. The museum about the Berlin Wall is called East Side Gallery.
The vehicle on this painting is called The Trabant. It is an ironic East-German Car, as it was the most common vehicle in East Germany, and was also exported to countries both inside and outside the communist bloc. but the performance of this kind of car is really poor. It was often cited as a disadvantage of centralized planning. And also it is symbolized as the fall of East Germany.

The first stamp had been introduced before. And the second stamp was released in 2007. It is about the 75 Anniversary of the saale talsperre bleiloch (Saale Dam Bleiloch), umm, I guess is an important dam or reservoir built in Germany.

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postcrossing #38


My first card from Switzerland! (Or actually it was sent through the German postage system, maybe it is because the user lived near the border of Switzerland and Germany, therefore he collected Swiss stamps that were released long long time ago) The postcard shows Stein am Rhein, a town in Switzerland. The town has a well-preserved medieval centre, retaining the ancient street plan. The site of the city wall, and the city gates are preserved. Many of the medieval buildings are painted beautifully. And the river at the middle is the Rhine river.

On the stamp, Helvetia refers to the female national personification of Switzerland. And the Swiss continues to use the name. The full name is Confoederatio Helvetica, which is from Latin. Therefore the abbreviation for Switzerland is CH. The first stamp, seems was really released in 1969. Comptoir Suisse is an event for exhibitiors to showcase their products. And Lausanne is the 5th largest city in Switzerland. This stamp was released to celebrate the 50th anniversity of the event.

And the yellow stamp was released in 1967, seems. It was released because of EFTA – European Free Trade Association. The association was founded in 1960. Switzerland was one of the country which founded the organization. The word “Efta-Handel: Zollfrei” means Duty Free shops. The other words mean similar thing, like EFTA Duty Free products, etc.

The other stamps were also released in 1967. They are from the series, Pro Patria – Water Mills conservation. Pro Patria is an charitable organization in Switzerland. Its purpose is to give meaning to the Swiss national holiday, August 1, by collecting donations to the benefit of social and cultural works of national public interest. And they received donations by selling postage stamps. And these two stamps, seems the content is from Bible. The blue one was titled Joseph on the throne. The green one was titled Proclamation to the shepherds.

And the last one was a German stamp released in 2013. It is to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Fehmarnsund Bridge(Fehmarn Sound Bridge). It was declared as an historic monument in 1999.

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Postcard from friends #10


A postcard from Germany! This postcard shows the Cologne Cathedral(科隆主教座堂). It is the world 3rd tallest church in the world. It is marked as one of the UNESCO World Heritage Site. The stamp was released in 2012. It is celebrating the 125th Anniversary of the Narrow Gauge Railways in Harz.

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postcrossing #26


Here comes a postcard from Germany! This postcard shows The Brandenburg Gate, the most famous landmark in Germany or even in the whole Europe. It is because it was often a site for many major historical event in Germany and also Europe, like the fall of Berlin Wall after the Cold War. It was rebuilt in the 18th century. It was built in Neoclassical style. The sculpture at the top of the building is Quadriga.

The right stamp was released in 2013. It was released due to the 200th Anniversary of the Birth of Richard Wagner, 1813-1883. Richard Wagner was a German composer and theatre director.

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postcrossing #15


A postcard from Germany! Let’s talk about the stamp first. The stamp was released in 14 June 2012. And it is the 150th Anniversary of the German Choral Association. The German Choral Association, with 700,000 active and supporting members in more than 20,000 clubs and choirs is the world’s largest organization of music amateur. And the postcard features a comic from E. O. Plauen. The name of the comic series is called “Vater und Sohn” (Father and Son), featuring some short and funny stories between father and the son. On the back of the postcard, it prints the whole story.

I guess the story is saying, they have made a cake but they forget to put those raisins on the cake, so they use guns to shoot the cake, with raisins as bullets.

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