
The Terminal - John's Park

得失只一念 風景不轉心境轉 | 煩惱來自偏執一切也依戀 | 風吹草動 命途亂了我不亂 | 交出了平常心再隨緣


postcrossing #49


A postcard from Germany! This card actually shows an important historic event in the world. It is one of the paintings found on the Berlin Wall. The museum about the Berlin Wall is called East Side Gallery.
The vehicle on this painting is called The Trabant. It is an ironic East-German Car, as it was the most common vehicle in East Germany, and was also exported to countries both inside and outside the communist bloc. but the performance of this kind of car is really poor. It was often cited as a disadvantage of centralized planning. And also it is symbolized as the fall of East Germany.

The first stamp had been introduced before. And the second stamp was released in 2007. It is about the 75 Anniversary of the saale talsperre bleiloch (Saale Dam Bleiloch), umm, I guess is an important dam or reservoir built in Germany.

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