{Photoblog}水浸白千層。城門 | Forest in the water – Shing Mun Reservoir



去拍攝白千層的路不難走,在荃灣兆和街乘小巴 82 到總站城門水塘。經過菠蘿壩自然教育徑,後沿著畔塘徑,一直走下去就會發現到一些拍攝白千層的好地方了。

Paperbark tree at Shing Mun Reservoir, Hong Kong. After the strike of Typhoon Vicente, which brought a lot of rainfall to this city, the water level at the Shing Mun Reservoir rose a lot. Therefore it formed a special scene – some parts of the paperbark trees were covered by water. A mix of reality and reflection of trees on water creates a very special scenery in this place.

If you know more skills of hiking, you could also try Tai Shing stream, which supplies water from hill like Tai Mo Shan to Shing Mun Reservoir. But you must be very careful and cautious about the weather as it may change suddenly in summer. Such condition may put your life at risk.

It is easy to reach Shing Mun Reservoir. Take minibus 82 from Tsuen Wan Shiu Wo Street and get off at the terminus.

2 responses to {Photoblog}水浸白千層。城門 | Forest in the water – Shing Mun Reservoir

  1. Jason says:

    What time during the year did you visit this place? Because I heard that the water level is low at some point during the year. What is the best season or month to go to Shing Mun?

    • John Chan says:

      Yea, you need to wait for summer, emm, probably after strike of typhoon. or after great rain. I went there after the no.10 typhoon in HK at that year.

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