
The Terminal - John's Park

得失只一念 風景不轉心境轉 | 煩惱來自偏執一切也依戀 | 風吹草動 命途亂了我不亂 | 交出了平常心再隨緣


postcrossing #55

Here is a postcard from the USA. This card shows the Anna Ruby Falls, which is located in Georgia. There is a National Recreation Trail (a designation given to existing trails that contribute to health, conservation, and recreation goals in the United States) near the waterfall area. The waterfall is actually a combination of 2 waterfalls from two separate streams.

Here are the stamps from the postcard. The first stamp was released in 1950, in order to honor the railroad engineers of the country. The man on the stamp is called Casey Jones. His dramatic death, trying to stop his train and save lives, made him a hero.

The second stamp was released in 1980. At that year, the Winter Olympic Games was held in Lake Placid in the USA. The last two stamps were all released in 2013, and they were from the series New England Coastal Lighthouses.

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