
The Terminal - John's Park

得失只一念 風景不轉心境轉 | 煩惱來自偏執一切也依戀 | 風吹草動 命途亂了我不亂 | 交出了平常心再隨緣


Postcard from friends #14


A postcard from 2010. It was the year when Shanghai held the World Expo. And the postcard shows the emblem of the World Expo 2010 Shanghai China. The emblem shows people holding hands together, symbolizing the big family of mankind. The shape of the chinese character 世 (meaning world) integrates with the people, and showing the concepts of understanding, communication, gathering and cooperation.
Hong Kong also joined the World Expo. And the chop features the shape of the Hong Kong Pavilion in the exhibition.

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