
The Terminal - John's Park

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postcrossing #28


Here comes a lovely postcard from Russia. The postcard shows a scene of Autumn from Katun River and Mount Lukovka. There are 4 stamps together with the postcard. The first stamp was released in 2005. It is celebrating the 250th Anniversary of Lomonosov Moscow State University. It is the largest and the oldest university in Russia.

The second stamp is an Europa stamp in 2005. Europa stamp means special stamps issued by European postal administrations/ enterprises under the aegis of PostEurop, an association of European public postal operators, in which Europe is the central theme. In 2005,the main theme of the stamp is Gastronomy. I guess different European countries will release stamps related to this topic together.The stamp shows the food when Russian welcomes guests, mainly bread and pancakes. “Bread and Salt!” – Guests are welcomed in Russia with these words for centuries.

The third stamp was released in 2012. The stamp is celebrating the 1150th Anniversary of the Russian Statehood.

The fourth stamp was released in 2003, from a series called Beetles. The stamp shows Calosoma sycophanta, which is a large, bright green, metallic ground beetle that is native to Europe.

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