
The Terminal - John's Park

得失只一念 風景不轉心境轉 | 煩惱來自偏執一切也依戀 | 風吹草動 命途亂了我不亂 | 交出了平常心再隨緣


postcrossing #23


Thanks 4ajka from Russia very much! It is really a nice postcard, with nice stamps! The picture is from Vladivostok(海參崴), a city not far away from China and North Korea. The postcard shows Basargin Lighthouse at the Ussuri Bay. The lighthouse is one of the symbols of this city. The first lighthouse at that place was built in 1937, and in 1958 it was replaced by a newer stone structure.

Here comes three stamps. The first one, with red and yellow color, was released in 2006. The stamp is about the 250th Anniversary of entry of Altai to Russia. Altai is now a federal subject of Russia.

The next one, which was released in 2008, is from a series called Decorative-Aplied Arts of Dagestan. Dagestan (達吉斯坦) is federal subject of Russia.

The last stamp was released in 2009, about the astronomy of Europe.


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