
The Terminal - John's Park

得失只一念 風景不轉心境轉 | 煩惱來自偏執一切也依戀 | 風吹草動 命途亂了我不亂 | 交出了平常心再隨緣

Tag Archives for: China


postcrossing #75


Here comes a really great and beautiful card from China! This card with irregular shape is showing a beautiful map of Tsinghua University, a very famous university situated at Beijing, China.

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Postcard from friends #17


This postcard shows Nanhu (南湖) in Hongcun Village (宏村, 黟縣). This place is famous for its historical village buildings. And the place is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The stamp was released in 2002, from a series of Ceramics from 汝窯, a famous ceramics factory in Ruzhou in Song Dynasty. Since the factory lasted very short and it was destroyed in wars, therefore the ceramics from that factory are very precious.

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Postcard from friends #16


A postcard from Dunhuang. The drawing is called “double Flying Apsaras”. It was drawn at the early Tang Dynasty. One of them holds fresh flowers in hands and another one holds gold bracelets. Both of them touch down slightly with graceful postures.

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Postcard from friends #15


A postcard from Beijing, China, showing a boat made of stone (清晏舫). It is one of the spot in Summer Palace(頤和園), which is a spot listed as World Heritage. The boat like structure is 96 meters long. And here are some stamps from China.

The first three stamps are about protecting different nature resources, such as water resources, forests, and different mine resources. The other three are about birds found in China. The 1.2 dollar one shows 褐頭鳳鶥, a species found in Taiwan only. The 0.4 dollar one shows 綠尾虹雉, which is a bird only found in China, especially the south western part of China. The 1 dollar one shows 白尾地鴉, which is a bird only found in western part of China.

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Postcard from friends #14


A postcard from 2010. It was the year when Shanghai held the World Expo. And the postcard shows the emblem of the World Expo 2010 Shanghai China. The emblem shows people holding hands together, symbolizing the big family of mankind. The shape of the chinese character 世 (meaning world) integrates with the people, and showing the concepts of understanding, communication, gathering and cooperation.
Hong Kong also joined the World Expo. And the chop features the shape of the Hong Kong Pavilion in the exhibition.

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Postcard from friends #12


a postcard from Xi’an, China. The postcard shows the Bell Tower in Xi’an. The tower was built in 1384 during the early Ming Dynasty. The Bell Tower also contains several large bronze-cast bells from the Tang Dynasty. The tower base is square and it covers an area of 1,377 square meters. The tower is a brick and timber structure and close to 40 meters high. And the chop on the postcard is really special, showing a scene from the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor. the army is listed on the World Heritage List. Thanks~

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Postcard from friends #8


A postcard from Beijing, China, featuring the new Beijing Capital International Airport. It is the Terminal 3 in the airport. One of the architect for this building is Foster and Partners from United Kingdom. The building is in fully operation in 2008. It is currently the second largest airport passenger terminal building of the world.

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postcrossing #9


A postcard from Tibet, China! The postcard features the Potala Palace, which is the symbol and landmark of Tibet. The stamps were released in 2004, from a series showing different scenes near the boundary of China. The yellow one is a picture of Badain Jaran Desert 巴丹吉林沙漠 in Inner Mongolia. 巴丹吉林 is from the Mongolian language, so not from 吉林, remember lol. It is the third largest desert in China. The green one is a forest in Yunnan. Thanks 平川 very much! 🙂

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Postcrossing #2


A postcard from Huai’an (淮安), Jiangsu (江蘇), China. It takes 14 days to reach Hong Kong. I quite like the stamp, with a couple of birds. After checking, they are Taiwan Blue Magpie (台灣藍鵲). And this series of stamps, featuring birds, was first launched in 2002.

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